Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Second Assignment was to make a bouncing ball in an environment. I decided to do two submissions for this.

For the first submission I used pictures of objects and rotoscoped them out for each frame. It was really hard because rotoscope is always so hard for me, but it does have really great benefits. Let me explain what is going on in this video. there is one ball, the orange ball, that is suppose to be the bad boy he doesn't listen and he is moving really fast through  the video and since he doesn't listen he hits the execelerate and shoots off. Then there is a soccer ball that is stuck on the back side of the excelerate, which is why is doesn't excelerate, the soccer ball is in jail and he is trying to escape. the third ball the green one comes down at the end because he was the original ball that didn't listen and exceleatre and he is coming back down to what he thinks will keep him there but instead he bounces back up.
For the second submission i tried to use the pen tool to draw what i wanted in the video. This was challenging because i am not that good at drawing regularly, so drawing on the computer was even more difficult. Then i searched effects to fight the best fighting style for my warrior is a war going on between this dinosaur creature and this man, who is suppose to be in a suit, using his lighting power. The balls represent the people who get stuck in between wars and they are just trying to escape the battle area.

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